The Importance of Orientation and Training

By Dr. Gina Anderson, an expert in the instructional design and learning field and the CEO of Luma

Dr. Gina Anderson, an expert in the instructional design and learning field and the CEO of Luma, spoke at the WIT conference on how a one-sized approach to orientation does not work for everyone.  She also led two round-table discussions on the importance of orientation and training.

Dr. Anderson said, “It was not surprising to me that there was a lot of interest to discuss how to make the orientation process and training more efficient and effective. Participants expressed that they wanted to build something great and innovative for their drivers and employees to engage and to, ultimately, retain them.”  Dr. Anderson summarized the overarching questions and answers from the sessions.

Q. How do you Engage drivers in orientation and training?

A. Examples were discussed of how different mediums of content engage different types of participants.
Key takeaway: Offer a variety of mediums of content (not all participants have the same learning preferences) and continually track what gets and keeps participants’ attention.  

Q. What are ways to build Efficiencies in the orientation process?

A. Examples were discussed of how different formats of programs (online, face-to-face, a combination of both) can save time and money.  Key takeaway: Create shorter sessions for learning, go paperless, and offer a variety of delivery formats.

Q. How do you create a program that drivers enjoy (Authenticity)?

A. Examples were discussed of how important it is to provide training that is meaningful to drivers. One participant described how a driver with 35 years of experience had to sit through the same training as a new driver! Key takeaway: With technology today, there is an opportunity to differentiate the learning experience to meet the needs of all learners.

Dr. Anderson shared Luma’s white paper on guidelines for implementing these strategies at your own company.

If you would like to make your orientation process and training more efficient and effective, contact Dr. Anderson, [email protected]  

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